फरीदाबाद- भाजपा पार्षद अजय बैसला ने कोरोना से जंग जीत ली है अब उनका कोरोना टेस्ट निगेटिव आया है। अजय बैसला ने फेसबुक पर एक पोस्ट के माध्यम से ये जानकारी दी है। उन्होंने लिखा है कि My Covid 19 test result is now negative

thankyou for your love support and blessings
and I am back in action
I told you Ajay to Ajai hai 

love you and thankyou all 

दो अगस्त को अजय ने लिखा था कि
his is to inform you all that after my office staff was found covid positive I went for covid 19 test my test result is also positive as I was already in quarantine and will remain in quarantine for next 14 days as advised by doctors
those who met me in resent days pls get them self checked 
pls don’t worry about me as it was expected if you will work for people and public dealing . I was already mentally prepared for it . अजय तो अजय है करोना को भी देख लेंगे

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